Monday, October 7, 2019

Week Eight Reading and Writing

After looking back through my website and blog, I realized that the website was just far more pleasing to the eye, whereas my blog was looking a little frumpy (Actually, it reminded me of the kind of website I'd associate with the early days of the internet, before people figured out how to make websites look nice. Oof.), so I made some changes and I'm now much happier with its overall appearance. I also moved the navigation bar from the bottom of the page to the right side, which will be more convenient for my readers. I did not make any changes to the website, however, because I think its layout is fine as is, and the layout has been mentioned positively in a few of the comments on my wall, so why fix what ain't broken, right?

I am fairly happy with the way my stories have been coming out so far, and I'm content with my reading notes strategy - it's a little hefty, but I feel like it gives me a good foundation when I'm working on writing the stories. My stories have been pretty varied so far, so it'll be interesting to work on my project, since it has not only a unifying author, but a unifying theme as well. For the storybook, I chose the story that I felt would be the most difficult for me to rework first (i.e. the one that would be the most different from the original), so that I could get it out of the way and have plenty of time for editing if need be. I do have a few areas in the story that I feel could use some revision, though I will probably wait for some feedback from others before beginning, as I'd like to hear some second opinions. Still, I think I like how the general tone and themes of my storybook are coming along, despite my few issues with story number one.

As for my favorite of the images I've included in one of my reading notes posts, you won't be too surprised when you find out that it's this picture of my cat:

Actually, I believe that if Atticus had a Tinder, this would be his profile pic. But cats don't have Tinder and neither do I, so I'm posting it here for all of you to enjoy. (You're welcome.)

Looking forward, I'm excited to get the next couple stories for my storybook published, and to see a few more of the readings (I've really been enjoying learning about the differences and similarities between folklore from all over the world during all different time periods!).

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