Sunday, September 1, 2019

Growth Mindset: "What's A-Motto With You?" - Timon, The Lion King

Words added by me
For my motto, I chose "Fortune favors the bold" - I've heard my husband say this a few times, as well as a few other people, and I really like the idea behind it. Complacency and fear are so commonly the excuses people have for not doing the things they're passionate about, but imagine how little the human race would have accomplished if we'd all thought that way. Life requires a certain boldness and willingness to step outside our comfort zones to see what possibilities there are, so I'm going to aim to do this more frequently!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Allison! I chose to read your growth mindset this week. There are so many options for these that I will not have time to get to all of them! I really liked the brief summary you gave about Fortune favors the bold. It is a very true and scary that people (me included) will make up excuses for not doing certain things or going after goals. I definitely need to push myself out of y comfort zone more often than I am currently! Thanks for the good read!
